Monday, February 20, 2012

The start of something New

Hello I'm Patricia. I'm was an ordinary Christian trying to follow God's will for my life. Now I'm being called to share some dreams with everyone. I never thought that by following that will it would lead me to writing a blog but it did and here I am!

Over the past year and a half, God has given me dreams about things that will be happening very soon. I did not ask for these dreams and I struggled for a long time with wondering "why me?" and "who is going to believe me?" I have spent many days and nights praying and talking to other Christians about these dreams. I believe that God wants me to share these dreams with others and this blog is just the first step. Everything that relates to the dreams or the interpretation of the dreams is only what God wants me to share. God has been very clear with me not to add any "extras", which is why I am only saying exactly what God is telling me. I chose John 14:10 as the name for the Blog because John 14:10 states, "The words I speak to you I do not speak on my own authority; But the Father who dwells in me does the works". God is telling me what many out there need to hear. I hope many will read this, pray, and know that God is working through me to warn you. I am not asking anyone to believe what I am saying. I am asking you to believe that God is using me. I am asking you to believe God's word. Pray about what I am sharing and listen for what God says to you.

I've only had 10 dreams so far and I will be sharing the details of all 10 dreams. I will be sharing the dreams that I feel the greatest urgency first. I will be posting the dreams probably 1 or 2 at a time until I get them all posted. I also want to add that I am not trying to scare anyone. While some of my dreams might be considered scary and cause some people to be afraid that is not my intention. I am only doing what God has put on my heart to do. As a result of a series of dreams my husband and I will be moving from South Carolina and very soon mainly because of the urgency I feel surrounding the content of some of my dreams. I am not saying everyone who reads this that lives in South Carolina should move but that is what God is telling my family. Pray about what you read in my dreams and ask God for direction for your lives.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! If you want to speak to me personally, I will gladly speak to anyone whenever possible!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pbratcher, my praise team leader has had two dreams so far on this tsunami. The last one was about two weeks ago and she said she saw people on beach at night watching fireworks. Then this huge wave coming. She was shown the whole east coast was in danger all of Florida under water. The White house was also flooded. Then my son had a dream about this wave hitting the east coast at night and trying to warn people and no one would listen. Thank you for posting! God is giving this warning to all who will listen!
