Monday, June 18, 2012

Prophetic Dream, Warning for Las Vegas

3Now the end has come upon you, And I will send My anger against you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you for all your abominations. 4 My eye will not spare you, Nor will I have pity; But I will repay your ways, And your abominations will be in your midst; Then you shall know that I am the Lord!' 5 "Thus says the Lord God: 'A disaster, a singular disaster; Behold, it has come! 6 An end has come, The end has come; It has dawned for you; Behold, it has come! 7 Doom has come to you, you who dwell in the land; The time has come, A day of trouble is near, And not of rejoicing in the mountains. 8 Now upon you I will soon pour out My fury, And spend My anger upon you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you for all your abominations. 9 'My eye will not spare, Nor will I have pity; I will repay you according to your ways, And your abominations will be in your midst. Then you shall know that I am the Lord who strikes."  Ezekiel 7:3-9

Around September or October of 2010 was when I had my very first prophetic dream which was of Las Vegas, NV being destroyed. I was in a hotel room overlooking the strip when a massive earthquake hit. The hotel I was in started shaking and the ground started shaking. A huge crack in the ground appeared almost right in the center of the strip and hotels started to crumble and fall into the crack. I began to get scared because it felt real and I thought I was in Vegas and that my hotel would go too but it was at that moment God picked me up and let me know he was there and he had things to show me. All of the hotels including the one I had been fall into the massive cracks that were opening up all over. There was so much dust and debris everywhere. There was complete and utter destruction. I had the understanding that there would not be one building left standing. 

The Lord gave me a very powerful scripture about this dream. Please pray about this! This is the time to get right with our Lord. Thanks for Reading!

Accept Jesus now by saying the prayer below from your heart. Confess it with your mouth! You must sincerely mean it, and you have to do your best not to go back to a life of sin! This is very serious and there are grave dangers involved in living a life of sin. God made us all and he wants to love us all! Praise God for your decision to come to accept Jesus into your heart. Below is a prayer you can say to ask God into your life and into your heart right now. These are not the only words that can be spoken they are only a suggestion. If you want to add more, then add more, if there are things you want to change, then change them. God asks that you admit you have sinned and repent (ask for forgiveness) of those sins, tell him you believe in him, believe that he sent his one and only son to die for us so that we may have forgiveness, and ask him into your heart and to direct your life! Look at John 1:1 & 14, Romans 3:10, Titus 3:5-7, Mathew 25:47, Romans 5:8, Romans, 10:9-10,  Corinthians 15, Ephesians 2:8 for more direction to salvation. 

“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Testimony part 2

This is the second part to my testimony. It was so long I just wanted to break it up. 

Not long after to moving to SC I met my future husband. We had a rocky road to begin with because neither of us were at that place yet but it posed a big problem for my family. My biological father told me he wasn't okay to date outside of your race. I thought he was joking when he talked about this before because he would say it in a joking manner about how upset he would be if I brought home a "Mexican" or a "black" man. Well I found out he wasn't playing the minute he found out I was dating a brown man . My father wanted me out of the house. It was not okay with him by any means and tried to tell me that the BIBLE says we aren't supposed to date outside of our race but yet he couldn't find any scripture about it. Shortly after my step brother got married I was kicked out. All of my belongings I had brought to SC were thrown out on his porch and I was told I had 2 days to get them or they were going to Goodwill!!! I had never expected this kind of treatment from my brother!! Maybe my father but not my brother.  I was able to move into a friends house from work even though it was cramped she had 2 teenagers and herself plus me in 3 bedrooms. But it was a home that God provided for me. I went to my brothers house and managed to stuff Hannah's little Hyundai with everything I could and started to cry when it wouldn't fit because I didn't want to leave anything and because I never wanted to see my brother again or have to come back to his house. But that’s when I think God started to take over and said its okay these things don't matter leave them. I might have left something's there that day but what God gave me in return was so much greater!  God blessed me with a way out of the situation I had gotten myself into. He saved me yet again. I will never ever be able to thank Hannah or God enough for what they did for me that day.

About 3 ½ years ago Abba came to me in a dream. At this point in my life I was 27 and really really searching for God and his direction for my life and what he wanted to do. I had been praying every night and reading the Bible from time to time. In my very first dream that I can remember from God I was trying to build a house and was trying to use a ladder. Well no matter how hard I tried and now matter what I used I couldn't get anything to stick or stay it would all fall down. Then I heard the words from God "Your foundation isn't strong enough". I woke up in tears and said yes Abba I hear you. From that day forward I begun reading my bible as much as possible I went and bought a few devotionals. I also read "My Bangs looks good and other lies I tell myself" Which is an amazing book for any Christian woman out there! 
I thought the dream about foundation may have been the only dream I was going to get from Abba but around October of 2010 I had my first prophetic dream from God.  I had a dream of Las Vegas. I was in a hotel room over looking the strip when a massive earthquake hit. The hotel started shaking and the ground started shaking. A huge crack in the ground appeared almost right in the center of the strip and hotels started to crumble and fall into the crack. I began to get scared because I thought my hotel would go too but it was at that moment God picked me up and let me know he was there and he had things to show me. I was all the hotels including the one I had been fall into the massive cracks that were opening up all over. There was so much dust. So this being my first dream I took it as a warning to not go to Vegas because my husband and I were considering to go to Vegas to elope. But I also prayed about it and googled everything I saw in the dream and then I pushed it to the back of mind. I was like oh well it was just a dream. God doesn't want me to do anything about it. Well I was wrong because a few months later was when the Tsunami dreams started happening.  At first I just pushed those to the back of my mind. They were so spread out and I had people telling me at first oh it means your under stress. The wave is your emotions. But that's when God was telling me its not just dreams I am warning you.  I live on the East Coast 2 miles from ocean God was telling me to get out and telling me to share with everyone what I was seeing.

I guess the next biggest thing I can write about was 2 years ago when I was 28. I became unemployed for the first time since moving to South Carolina. My husband and I had wedding plans made for October and I was let go when my position was eliminated in May. So we were forced to cancel the plans we had made and just do something for us. We chose to just do a short 5 day cruise for a combo wedding/honeymoon. But it was hard because my family wasn't there and I didn't have the big wedding dress. It was hard but God brought us through and God provided. I have to say also that up until a few weeks ago I still had no job but the offers and interviews have been pouring in. I have had 3 job offers and many more calls for interviews. So I went from having no job for 2 years to having 3 jobs almost overnight. Want to know how? PRAYER!!! And because GODS AMAZING!!

One of the bigger challenges for me in my adult life came to me in September of this past year.  I had a friend who I was very close to. She was one of the first people I met when I moved here and we bonded right away. She knew every single issue I have had to deal with in any shape or form since I moved here 7 years ago. She knew all there was about me and I knew all there was about her. We both had a crazy sense of humor; one that I haven't found with anyone else and truly believe it was a blessing to find someone like Lisa who liked a lot of the same things I liked and who got me as well as she got me. I think it went both ways as I was also able to get her too.  When I was let go from Litchfield 1 ½ ago I was upset about being let go then I was in nursing school and my life kind of went in another direction so I wasn't able to speak to Lisa 24/7 like I used too. I was either pulling an all-nighter learning some pharmacology terms or trying to study for some big test, which in nursing school EVERY test is a big test! I was in class or clinical during the day and studied all night. I seriously had no life. In nursing it really is hard to have an outside life!!! So I kind of lost touch with Lisa. I felt guilty about it and when she got sick, I really felt guilty about it. Lisa became very ill and became septic. She was septic and her kidneys stopped functioning. Her body could not take the amount of toxins her in blood. At this point she was in a medically induced coma. I visited her all the time. I would read the bible to her and just talk to her. She was in a coma for 4 weeks. Maybe less, it’s all a big blur. I know I never got any response from Lisa when I would pray for her or read to her, except one night. I told her how much I LOVED HER. I told her how much her family LOVED her, and I told her how much GOD loved her. I told her I would be back soon and I said "okay ?" just like I was speaking to someone who could respond and Lisa actually shook her head yes like she knew what I was talking about!!!! I started crying because for me that was the first real sign that she was going to be okay. A week later, she was off the vent and out of the coma, her kidneys were starting to come back around and she was healing. She had a long long road to recovery but I was just happy to have her back. I went to see her the day they took the vent out and I asked her about being the coma. She didn't remember my experience but she did have memories of different things. She also said she didn’t realize how truly sick she was and how close she came to dying. She started crying and saying she wanted to see Kelly & Christian grow up among other things. She kept crying and said God was watching over me. It was the very first time I had ever heard her say something like that. She never really talked about God much and if she did, it was asking why God took her husband away from her and others she loved. So to hear her speaking positive about God was amazing!! I prayed for her and her mother and kept praying for her. She was eventually moved from an ICU unit to a rehab unit. I was so happy and so excited. I kept saying it was a miracle and that God was looking out for her. She agreed!! After being in a rehab unit for maybe  1 ½ weeks the unthinkable happened. Lisa passed away.  Lisa died from a pulmonary embolism. I was worried about something like that, but she was on blood thinners, which should have prevented that from happening. Nevertheless, if God says it's your time then it's your time. I struggled for her death for a long time and it's still hard today. I was so angry with God because I didn't understand how he could help someone get better only to take them away a few weeks later. It made absolutely NO sense to me and it was frustrating, upsetting, and everything all in one. My best friend was just gone like that in a matter of minutes. I blamed myself because I was a nursing student and I had just studied that topic and I should have been able to tell something was wrong. I blamed God constantly asked him WHY, WHY. How could you do that? She was better and she was being healed!!! The response I got from God was that it was a miracle she made it to begin with. He brought her back to say goodbye and I think to really and truly accept God finally. I believe with all my heart that she came back so she could spend eternity in heaven. I think she needed to come back to accept God before she could go. I find comfort in knowing that for a short time, she came back, and she knew who Jesus was and had accepted him in her heart.

Well that is my testimony! I left out a few parts but I shared 99% of it!!! I am not sharing any of this to get pity or have anyone feel sorry for me. I am sharing this so people can truly see the awesome power of God. God has protected me, saved me, picked me up, supported me, encouraged me, and brought me out of so many things. God is amazing and God can and will move in your life in the same ways! No this is not the complete story of my life and there were other pretty amazing moments in my life, it wasn't all bad!! But this is just to highlight some of the major rough areas that God was very visually present in my life!

My Testimony part 1

My Testimony

On March when I was praying I keep hearing, tell your story. I pray every day for Yahavah's guidance on what to post on here what to post on YouTube. So this is my testimony. Some parts are private and very personal but Abba says share, so I am going to share.

Because this is so long I am going to post it into 2 posts. Thanks!

Yahavah has been a part of my life since I was little girl. I am very blessed for that. I know there are many who do not have that opportunity and I am grateful I was given that opportunity. Actually the Lord was already saving me before I was born. I had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and I was cutting off my air supply. They were trying to get me out because they thought I was going to die. But I made it because of Yahavah. I needed him early on. I come from a home with an alcoholic step father who was constantly drunk constantly yelling, I was constantly verbally, and mentally abused. My biological father was never a part of my life until I was  11. Then he was only present through letters, boxes of make-up gifts, or phone calls.  My mom wasn’t around because she had to work all the time. So it was just me and my sister. I knew pain and hurt from a very early age. I always felt trapped. School was a happy time for me because it meant I wasn't at home.  I went to a Baptist church when I was a little girl but I remember very little. I was probably there from the time I was 5 or 6 until I was 7 or 8. I do remember one time when I was only 6 or 7. I was so sad, so hurt, so upset because my step dad was drunk and had been yelling at me nonstop. As I was lying in bed I started praying it was one of the first memories I have of praying. I have never shared this story with anyone so this is a first! But I was praying and debating if God was real. In my little mind it was so hard to wrap it around the concept of God and having someone to protect me and watch over me. Because if he was real why did he let my dad do the things he did to me and why did he allow me to be so sad. So I said God if your real hold my hand right now. I told God I would close my eyes real tight and not peek and I said hold my hand to show you’re real. Well I closed my eyes real tight and I felt a warmth in and around my hand. It felt like someone was holding my hand. It felt so real and I felt happiness or what I can describe now as soothing, peace. I also opened one eye just to look and I saw a small flash of light but the feeling didn't leave I felt someone there holding my hand and I wasn't afraid. You would think that one experience would be enough for me to believe in God right? Nope I was 7 I asked quite a few times after that but every time I asked I always felt something. I have always known God was with me. Do I think it was actually God, Abba touching me? Maybe not but I do think it was God comforting me as a little girl in pain.

I do not tell anyone about my personal life to get them to feel sorry for me or to get anything from anyone. Yahavah has given me everything I need now but this is just so you, the reader can understand what I was going through at that time and what God has now brought me through. The next big event for me was when I was 12. It is hard to deal with everything I was dealing with at such a young age. I also felt like I had no way out nowhere to go. I wasn't in church at the time and God was the last thought on my mind. I was in so much pain and had so much hurt inside of me that I didn't know what to do with. I thought it would be easier if I died. I didn't want to live anymore. I wanted to be dead in the ground away from the world and everything I knew. So I took an entire bottle of diet pills. Well actually about half the bottle the other half was thrown across the room while I was crying and screaming. I got sick and vomited a lot and I think that along with God saved my life. I should have died right then; 12 years old trying to commit suicide when I should have been outside playing, but I didn't die. God saved me. I didn't know it then but God saved me. He kept me alive because he had greater plans for me. I did try again with the rest of the pills I had but thankfully God protected me again. From that point when I was 13 I figured if I couldn't kill myself with pills I was going to cut myself. I started cutting at the age of 13. I would cut my legs and my stomach. I also started piercing myself too. I pierced my belly button. I did all kinds of things to myself. I was crying out for LOVE, I needed someone to love me hold me. I needed to talk to someone about all the pain hurt anger everything I had built up inside of me. Mainly I needed to control the pain. I couldn't control all the pain my step father was inflicting on me, or the pain because of school but I could control the pain I would cause myself. Around that time we started going to another church, and my mom put me in Alanon and I eventually stopped cutting but again it’s another thing God brought me out of.

When I was 14 my mother was pregnant was twins and it was a HUGE blessing for our family. This is my mother’s testimony to tell but I will tell what I know of it. First of all, my mom somehow managed to drop 2 eggs and get pregnant in each egg. So the babies were actually different ages. I believe Jimmy (my brother) was conceived a few weeks before Sylvia (my sister). But it was a hard pregnancy from the beginning for my mother. When she was just 3 months pregnant Jimmy's amniotic sac tore, it had separated from the uterine lining and my mom was hemorrhaging. I have never seen my mother so scared in my whole life. She was crying and so scared. She was rushed to the hospital and admitted. She was put in a room with 2 beds. The first night she was there she was forced to look at a miscarriage prep trey that the nurses had set on her bed next to her. The doctor was so sure she was going to miscarry that he had prep kit in there already. Well God intervened and healed my mom. She did not miscarry. The enemy tried to take the twins again when she went into labor. She was scheduled for a C-section but before that could happen she started going into labor and I guess because she had 2 of us already it was a fast one! The twins were ready to come out and neither of them had turned so Jimmy was coming out feet first and his foot was already outside by the time they finally got her to the operating room for the emergency C-section. Basically my mom should have died and the twins should have died but they didn't God was there and he protected them all. The twins are now very healthy and recently turned 16!! 

When I was 15 I was sexually assaulted by a friend of a friend. This is also something else I have never really shared with anyone. Only the closest people to me ever knew about this. But God heals and God healed me.

When I was 15 I also had my best friend’s mother pass away. It was so hard. My friend’s house was my refuge to get away from my own harsh reality. Her mom was like my second mom and she was an amazing person. She was a nurse with a big heart. I loved her to death so when she passed away I felt like part of my heart died. I felt so sad for my best friend and so sad for my first loss of someone I cared for.

I guess when I was 15 it was a bad year for me because I also had a friend who passed away in a really bad car accident that year. She and I weren't close but close enough that it shook me up and scared me. These are all just more examples of the things and the ways God has made me whole again.

From the time I was 13 until now I have had body image problems. But when I was 13 I became anorexic. My food would consist of an apple or a can of tuna and some crackers maybe. That would be all I would eat every day for 2 years. I was also in track and basketball so there were times I would literally pass out but play it up to me just working out too hard when actually it was because I had no food in my body! I can't remember exactly what my lowest weight was but I am 5'9 with a big frame and I got down to 120 I believe. I was so tiny I could go to the boys section of the store and buy a small or medium BOYS sized shirt and it would fit. I would look in the mirror and all I would see was fat but when I look at the pictures of me from that time period I looked sickly. I can see a lot of my bones. Again this is something else God healed me from.  God is amazing!!!

Around the time I was 13 my started taking us to a Pentecostal church. It was my first experience really seeing the Holy Spirit moving. I didn't understand it at first but my mom explained what was going on to me! The church was spirit filled every Sunday. Every Sunday there were people falling out in the spirit and the first time I was like oh no! They fell! Help them! J My mom very kindly told me they were okay that the Holy Spirit was working on them.  Even though I did have many bad things happen I think I should include one very important good too and at the age of 15 I was blessed with the gift of speaking in tongues.  I am sure some people will say that is too young or it couldn't have been. But you can say or think whatever you like because it happened and it was one of the most amazing experiences. At 15 I was in church 3 days a week praying my little heart out. I had so many things happening to me and I needed God in a big way. He was there too watching over me even if I didn't realize it. Late one evening there was some spiritual warfare going on in my home. I don't feel God wants me to share all details but there was my mom and 2 other adult Christian woman praying very intensely for a family member who was in danger.  They were doing some intercessory prayer. The sound of the prayer woke me and Rosemary (family friend) told me I needed to get on my knees and pray. I obeyed because it was what everyone else was doing and I knew someone was in trouble. Within just a few minutes of me starting to pray the Holy Spirit fell on me and I started speaking on tongues. The very instant it happened it was loud and purposeful. I had absolutely no control of any of the words that were coming out of me but I knew it was all from God and he was using me to help. I would have been scared but I knew what it was and I felt at peace. I felt love and I knew it was God. After the danger had passed I felt a release, everyone felt it. My mom told me the next day it was needed at the time for protection. I have prayed many many times since that night but I have only ever felt the Holy Spirit as strongly as I did that night maybe twice. God still blesses me to speak in tongues often  but that experience was different. It's hard to explain.

One of the most amazing times God protected me was when I was 18 and I will never forget. I lived literally almost across the street from my high school but it was a huge street 4 lanes very busy and I was walking home and went to cross the street and I was with my boyfriend at the time and saw a friend in a car across the way and wasn't paying attention and it was like everything went into slow motion. I felt my boyfriend’s hand try to grab for me and heard him say wait but I kept on going then I felt an arm; a large strong arm across my stomach,  grab it, and basically pull me to a stop right in front of a car that I was almost hit by. I was so close to the car I felt the whoosh as it flew by. I know without a doubt that God was using his angels to protect me.  That is yet another day I should have died but didn't.

I continued to be abused by my stepfather until I went away to college. I had to move back because of financial aid issues and his abuse went to a new level. One day he told me he was going to smash my skull in with a broom. The cops were called and it was bad so I left.  I was homeless for a few weeks. I spent one night in my car. I spent nights with friends wherever and whenever I could.

When I was 22 I experienced another hard loss. 2 friends that I worked with and were close with were killed when they tried to get around a train at a train stop. My friend Angela was pregnant so it was even sadder. It was really hard for me because I had Chris & Angela on my mind for a full week before they passed and I truly believe God was telling me to go speak to them but I didn't know that then. Even when I wasn't going to church regularly I still prayed and talked to God. Just not like I should have been.
I moved to South Carolina when I was 23. This was me basically running as hard and as fast as I could from my step father and dysfunctional family. My biological father had never really done anything for me in my life but constantly told me to move to South Carolina. He told me if I moved there he could do everything and anything for me. He told me he would help me there. I believed him and moved. I moved in with my Step brother and his fiancĂ©e.  I was initially against even moving in with my brother because he smoked pot, I didn't realize how it consumed his life until after I moved in. Prior to moving in he promised I would never be around the pot smell it, see it, nothing. I am also allergic to cigarette smoke and apparently pot smoke because it gave me migraines. Not to mention the fact that it's ILLEGAL! Well my step brothers no pot around me lasted for maybe a month or two. My biological fathers help consisted of him wanting me to give him every paycheck I have and him completely managing my money for me. When I would not do that he constantly and I do mean constantly would call me yell at me, and tell me to move out and leave now.  My mother who didn't want me to move SC punished me by keeping the car I had just bought it was in her name so she had every right but it left me carless and at the mercy of my step brother. I felt trapped there I very rarely left my room because I didn't want to be around the pot and just because I didn't want to be around my step brother when he was high. It was very dark time for me. I began over eating and started gaining weight. I started wishing I was dead again. I wanted to be at the bottom of the ocean this time. That's when I knew something had to change. I started to pray again I had stopped praying almost completely but I started again.

Please read the second part in the next Blog post! Thanks!